Training & Development
Whether you are an aviation professional looking to expand your horizons, or the training manager of an operation looking to develop your crew or the team of instructors, at DoDar Aviation you will find the support that you are looking for.
Focused on safety and human factors, our team of specialists will always tailor the courses to your specific needs to address the challenges of your daily operation. Our programs are tailored to provide solutions which address individual, organisational, regulatory and best practice principles.
Courses for Pilots
The way pilots are trained has a direct impact on safety and efficiency in any operation. At DoDar Aviation, our expert instructors strive to deliver top quality training. Our areas of expertise include the following:
Safety & Emergency Procedures
Crew Resource Management
Command Upgrade
NOTECHS Assessment
First Aid
Dangerous Goods
Aviation Security
Polar Operations
Cold Weather Operations.
Courses for Cabin Crew
From the first flight in uniform, to Cabin Senior upgrades, DoDar Aviation offers a complete training syllabus for cabin crew:
Safety & Emergency Procedures
First Aid & Aviation Medicine
Crew Resource Management
Aviation Security
Dangerous Goods
Silver & VVIP Service
Cabin Senior Upgrade
Courses for Trainers
Our passion is to equip future trainers with the knowledge and skills needed to train the new generations of pilots and cabin crew in a modern, interactive and efficient way, aligned with the current and future challenges in aviation. Our course selection includes:
Basic Instructional Techniques
Crew Resource Management Facilitator (Initial)
Safety Management Systems Trainer (Initial)
Examiner Course
Line Trainer Course.